Ajeeb dastaan hai yeh...

Life is but a journey, there are no stops, no destinations...... only breaks and memories..

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Mcdee story…..

This incident is pretty dated…and by now almost everyone has been through it at some point of time in their adjustment between the Indo-US food habits, but incidentally a more recent happening causes me to pen this down….

A few months back, I met a friend in Boston and he was describing his 1st tryst with Mcdee…. here it goes

‘It was my 3rd nite in the US and while returning from University stressed with all the new processes and flows, was hungry as hell and looking around for a place to eat, I saw the most internationally known joint the McDonalds….  I was being cautious not to end up consuming something that is generally considered as sacred in my country…so after carefully inspecting the menu, I chose to have a cheeseburger( it says cheese…right…so nothing can go wrong),  medium fries and a coke.

After having my meal, I felt well these people certainly knows how to make cheese taste so different, I didn’t quite like it though,…but well this is America…u cant expect it to taste the same…..

Late at nite…. While googling thru my materials and stuff, I thought may be I should check out how to make it…  well this is what I discovered.

cheeseburger is a sandwich consisting of a cooked patty of ground meat, usually beef and sliced cheese, placed in an open bun or between two slices of bread.

Now….back to the real story…. the other day my cousin wanted badly to have a McD's ranch BLT, well she is new to US...so I confirmed if she had ever tasted it and whether its Ranch BLT she wanted....  she seemed pretty confident and I didnt really give any second thought about the ingredients. 

While having the burger I noticed, she was keeping something aside....so I asked if anything was wrong....  and she replied that she didnt quite like the fried and rather burnt onions in the burger......   

well I realised.....  that we are actually going the 'cheeseburger' way....... I decided to let her finish her meal...  

the twist in this story is BLT is Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato....  there are no fried onions here....  
well what can I say..... welcome to US..... and next time when u feel like digging deep into the Ranch BLT, savour the smoky taste of bacon , with the crispy chicken and ranch, it actually tastes awesome............. 

I met a person...... he said his name was life.... 
I asked him how are u doing....  he said 'awesome'
so what's ur plans.......  lets see I thot u would tell me about ur plans
well if u r life u knw what my plans should be...........

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Brook

All of a sudden a sudden discussion with a busy person brought memories of this poem back..... 

I come from haunts of coot and hern,
I make a sudden sally
And sparkle out among the fern,
To bicker down a valley.

By thirty hills I hurry down,
Or slip between the ridges,
By twenty thorpes, a little town,
And half a hundred bridges.

Till last by Philip's farm I flow
To join the brimming river,
For men may come and men may go,
But I go on for ever.

I chatter over stony ways,
In little sharps and trebles,
I bubble into eddying bays,
I babble on the pebbles.

With many a curve my banks I fret
By many a field and fallow,
And many a fairy foreland set
With willow-weed and mallow.

I chatter, chatter, as I flow
To join the brimming river,
For men may come and men may go,
But I go on for ever.

I wind about, and in and out,
With here a blossom sailing,
And here and there a lusty trout,
And here and there a grayling,

And here and there a foamy flake
Upon me, as I travel
With many a silvery waterbreak
Above the golden gravel,

And draw them all along, and flow
To join the brimming river
For men may come and men may go,
But I go on for ever.

I steal by lawns and grassy plots,
I slide by hazel covers;
I move the sweet forget-me-nots
That grow for happy lovers.

I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance,
Among my skimming swallows;
I make the netted sunbeam dance
Against my sandy shallows.

I murmur under moon and stars
In brambly wildernesses;
I linger by my shingly bars;
I loiter round my cresses;

And out again I curve and flow
To join the brimming river,
For men may come and men may go,
But I go on for ever.

Alfred Lord Tennyson